yup ! would like to introduce my loved one....he is my best fren forever aka my mentor ,consultant, stimes enemy..hihi.....he's the one who will listen to my problem , comforting me during sadness, encouraging me when i upset , scolding me for my wrongdoings, cooling down me when anger striked, loving me in whereever n whenever i need.....my banker , my manager, my tutor, and my assistant in the kitchen....hihi..:).......he can be anybody i want ....he's not perfect....but complete my life>>....I met him during my chambering days at aziz derashid & co..we met through phone...hihi the history began when one day he got the number from my 'fren'....for sure my fren was coming from nowhere ...it really surprised thait i just met this fren during my way to the chambering office , at the bus stop i met this beautiful young lady, i hardly remembered her name but she was from the same village where i was staying...at that moment i stayed at my granny's house in Lundang.....we met and became friend and i gave her my contact number......after tha the history began .....she wrote down my name in her diary and went to the office.......she worked at the tourism office as one of the receptionist.....soon after that this man i mean my hubby appeared at her office waiting for his friend....flicked her diary as usual young man...noticed my number .....asked who's number is this and who is she..blablabla...after considering all little information and without hesitation asked my number kindly for making new friend....hahaha....a flirting man?!.....I demanded his explaination why on earth he did that....he admitted that he was searching for soul mate not for flirting reason....reason accepted.....we became friend after that.....not long after that... about six months.....we got married...on 23rd of May 2001 a year after i succed read in chamber.....and life began as mrs AZALI YAACOB......blessed with 3 kiddos......alhamdulilah :)
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