my eldest daughter was born in 2002....a year after the marriage....3.4kg after subuh in HUSM....she is my princess, my sweetheart, my angel, my hope and my love......azreen nabila ....beautiful name from her papa....NABILA the noble and AZREEN the combination name papa and mama....is a brilliant girl...able to read at the age of four -i'm proud of her...but a "little' stubborn and a bit lazy !......good in IQ but less in EQ....so pity...waaaa!.....everyday, every moment....she always make me high in temperature!....k.long simpan baju dlm bakul! k.long masukkan socks dlm baldi! ......yg simple-simple one but she 's still buat the same things...suka sepahkan her things and tak pandai mengemas....how i envy those daughters yang sangatlah pandai mengemas atau menyusun ..in simple words yang rajin!....mama tak minta apa-apa long just minta long rajin ckit jee....memang belajar top ten selalu dapat nombor satu in her class...! please k.long ....you're the role model of your siblings!....adakah ini salah ibu mengandung?........character k.long ni a bit kasar ckit....garang ngan adik beradik, moody teramat sangat.....tetapi pernah terfikir anak-anak adalah cerminan ibubapak......sigh :(.........
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