month of this year...time to build, create, and set new mind towards new year, new committment, new thinking and the new me! Ahemm.... I want to be the best mother ever! books as medium of thinking, generate and aspire new ideas to be good mum and dear wife..... My determination for this coming year 2o12.....
1. Read books every day-2 books for every month
2. be a good MOTher-be patience
3. observe my solah-i love allah !
4. a committed wife to my dear husband
5. a passionate teacher to my lovely pupils
Pine Resort Kundasang, mengubat rindu
Tahun ni kakpb tak balik semenanjung sebab banyak urusan. Ada hikmah
rupanya. Menguruskan pertukaran sekolah anak tu makan masa berminggu juga.
9 years ago
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